Jefferson Township
Montgomery County, OH
Administrative Office/Fire Department
One Business Park
Dayton, OH 45417
Hours: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Monday thru Friday)
Office: 937-262-3591 ext. 601
Montgomery County Sheriff
555 Infirmary Road
Dayton, OH 45417
Office: 937-225-6887
Questions, Comments, or Concerns?
Please contact:
Jefferson Township,
Montgomery County, Ohio
Administration Office
937-262-3591 ext. 107
RTA Temporary Service Changes - January 8, 2023
RTA Service Changes Information
Public Health Alert
Information from Stony Hollow Landfill
Odor Alert Line #: 937-356-6203
This is the phone number to call to address offensive odors in the air.
Information from Clean Water Facility
If you live close to the Clean Water Facility in Jefferson Township, and you experience any smells out of the ordinary in your home or in your neighborhood, please contact RAPCA (Regional Air Pollution Control Agency) immediately by calling 937-225-4435, and/or go to the RAPCA at
and file a complaint on the website. RAPCA IS HERE TO HELP YOU.
Embracing Tradition, Inspiring Tomorrow
Jefferson Township, Montgomery County, Ohio
One Business Park
Dayton, OH 45417
Phone: 937-262-3591